Lets talk about Buried.
So far, four posters (five if you count a redesign) have been designed by
Ignition Creative and are all equally fantastic. Which isn't fair, because the movie is a limited release. Meaning, maybe twelve people will see these posters in real life. The poster pictured above is the one you are more likely to see, and probably had quite a bit of "marketing advice" to foster the final design. But that doesn't make it any less creative. That seems to be part of the benefit when designing a poster for an indie flick – creative freedom. The posters make you feel claustrophobic, cramped, deep... dare i say "buried".

This first poster designed is already a risky design because you can't even see Ryan Reynolds face. Even his name is small. The flame acting as the "I" in Buried is a common trick, but really works on this poster. Again, don't you feel a little trapped looking at the poster?

This [right] is probably my favorite. Very Alfred Hitchcock. Very Saul Bass. I also love the fact that when you look at the poster you can see a definite depth. It's eerie. I'm assuming this design ultimately lead to the latest poster [top]. Kudos.

[left] As if the first poster wasn't enough, they were like "Lets really give the viewer the sense to total isolation. And put the casket way at the bottom so you feel as if you are deep."
SO, the real test is, were you able to tell what the movie was about? Without cheating an watching the trailer? or reading a synopsis. If you said: "Paul (Ryan Reynolds) is a U.S. contractor working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap." You're right! (but hopefully you weren't that detailed... cuz that's creepy)
Opens October 8th.